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Conseils en solutions & logiciels CRM pour entreprise et PME - Blue note Systems


CRM Software
An all-around CRM solution Blue note systems offers a complete range of CRM solutions (Customer Relationship Management) adapted to every trade and covering all the functional requirements to manage customer relationship, sales leads and current customers, sales force automation (SFA), enterprise marketing automation (EMA), real-time analysis and statistics as well as customer service.
Magic Quadrant CRM SFA 2016
The Magic Quadrant 2016 report on Sales Force Automation and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has recently been published by Gartner. Regularly nominated over the years, SugarCRM is for the fourth year in a row positioned as a Visionary for SFA…
Offre CRM
A CRM solution tailored to your needs ! Customer Relationship management Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy by which a company aims at understanding, anticipating and managing the needs of current and potential customers. It is based on…
CRM means Customer Relationship Management The relationship management is a strategy whereby the company aims to understand, anticipate and manage the needs of its customers and prospects. Managing customer relationships is based on the principle that it is…
CRM Cloud
Blue note systems offers a full range of CRM applications on demand. Blue note systems propose un cloud computing qui couvrent l'ensemble des besoins fonctionnels de gestion de la relation clients : gestion des forces de ventes, prospection et marketing,…
CRM services features
A true partner in the success of your CRM projects We provide CRM solutions that are tailored to the needs of each company. For each customer, we redefine and customize our approach according to their requirements. Blue note systems is a true one-stop-shop…