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Conseils en solutions & logiciels CRM pour entreprise et PME - Blue note Systems

Clone of CRM Geolocation module : maps, itineraries and geomarketing

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CRM GeolocationBlue note systems provides you with a module for the geolocation of customers’ accounts, contacts and leads registered in your CRM solution.

The module works with Google maps, enabling you to easily access maps and find itineraries. A simple feature enables you to easily find what contacts or customers are in one same area for rounds of visits.

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Maps and itineraries

This feature works with Google maps and enables you to easily access maps and find itineraries directly from a lead or customer file.

Rounds preparation

Using the addresses of you customers and contacts, this feature creates optimized itinerary for your rounds and gives you a list of the customers or potential customers to visit on the way. It comes as a great help for your sales representatives by calculating the most appropriate time for a specific visit as well as providing info on accessibility and the client's situation. A map showing the people to visit during a day gives your sales representative an overview of their itinerary.
Furthermore, it enables you to easily identify which customers in which area haven't been contacted or visited in a certain amount of time.

Geolocation of visits

Your sales representatives have an overview of the people to visit during a given day on a simple map.


The application also enables you to launch marketing campaigns according to the location of your targets. For instance, it enables you to easily target the customers or potential customers located near one of your outlet or branch.

Data quality improvement

The geolocation feature enables you to easily check the validity of the data recorded in your CRM application. Addresses are analyzed and geolocated (using GPS data) so that you have a precise location on the map. This allows you to quickly see which addresses are incorrect and to easily rectify the errors.

Credit photo : © Daniel Heuclin / Biosphoto

Fonctionnalités géolocalisation

Plans et itinéraires
Préparation de tournées commerciales
Plans et itinéraires
  • Cette fonction permet la consultation de plans et itinéraires aller et retour à partir de la fiche d'un compte, d'un contact ou d'un lead.
Préparation de tournées commerciales

En s'appuyant sur l’adresse des comptes clients et prospects, la solution permet de calculer un itinéraire optimum et propose une liste de clients  ou prospects à visiter sur le parcours. Elle assiste ainsi le commercial dans ses prises de rendez-vous en calculant les moments adaptés au type de visite, ainsi que l'accessibilité et la situation du client. Une carte des visites de la journée permet au commercial de visualiser son itinéraire. Par ailleurs, vous pouvez faire apparaître dans une zone spécifique les clients qui n’ont pas été visités ou contactés depuis un temps donné.

CRM et Géolocalisation : planification tournées et itinéraires

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