Blue note systems supports the GoodPlanet Foundation in Botswana [2020]
Blue note systems participates in the actions of the GoodPlanet Foundation in a Human-Elephant coexistence project in Botswana
The project aims to strengthen the protection of farmers for a better co-existence between humans and elephants.
Blue note systems pursues its action for the environment with the GoodPlanet Fondation which acts for the fight against climate change but also for education and solidarity with the local population.
The Elephant For Africa project, supported by Blue note systems, aims to address the root causes of human-elephant conflict in Botswana. The objective is to help farmers protect their fields from elephant intrusion in the Botéti region of Botswana and thus reduce conflicts between humans and wildlife. Farmers from Moreomaoto located near the national park will benefit from electric fences around their fields. |
The GoodPlanet Fondation implements field projects around five major themes (biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, clean energy, waste and education) in order to preserve our planet. Throughout the world, these development projects contribute to improving the environment, the quality of life of the populations involved and the fight against climate change. |
Crédit photo © Sergio Pitamitz / Biosphoto